[A] Monthly Components            PF With Adjustn :    PF Without Adjustn :    PF With Allow :
  Prev. CTC Old Caln New Caln
 HRA :       %
 Transport Allowance :
 Bonus :
 Special Allowance :
  Gross Monthly Salary :
  Gross Monthly Salary (Post Annual Components):
 Provident Fund :
 NPS Contribution :
  Net Monthaly Salary :
 [B] Annual Components (Tax saving components which shall be reimbursed on production of documents)
 Leave Travel Allowance :
 Children Education Allow. :   Child1 :  Child2 :
  Annual Gross Salary :
 [C] Other Annual Components (Statutory components)
 Estimated Gratuity :
 Employer's PF Contribution :
   Employer's ESIC Contribution :
 Insurance Policy Premiums :
  Total Cost to Company :
   Additional Benefit
 Insurance Policy (Coverage for Employee, Spouse 2 children) :
 Car entitlement as per car policy :
 Remark :