Personal Profile
 Your Personal Profile is like your horoscope stating all your personal & professional details that the organization needs to have. It is important to ensure that this data is correct and updated all the times.

 The features given on the page
 General: This displays general profile information like name/designation/grade/ Experience/ location / bank details/ reporting matrix etc.
 Note : The reporting matrix is proper as all your approvals will be forwarded to your reporting managers

 Personal: Displays personal details like date of birth/ personal contact & email details/Pancard/Passport/Driving license details.
 Note : The passport and Driving license details shall be kept updated, the same shall be renewed timely when expired.

 Contact : This displays all the contact details like mobile, addresses (current & permanent)
 Note : The residential addresses/ Mobile Nos. when changed should be intimated to HR immediately

 Education : Displays the educational qualification as per records provided
 Note : Pls ensure that all certificates are provided to HR

 Experience : Displays experience details as per HR records
 Note : Please ensure that all records are provided to Hr with proper dates.

 Family : Displays details of the family members.
 Note : Please ensure that the date of birth of the family members are provided.

 Language proficiency : Displays your Language proficiency